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Conserving Our Environment for Pennsylvania's Future

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Educational Webinars

For your professional development, we provide access to past webinars. Current members can register for free to review the available webinars. Non-members can register to review any of the webinars for $25/webinar. Once registered, the selected webinar will be available to review anytime for 30 days. Certificates of attendance are available upon request. Contact info@paep.org to request a certificate.

Webinars are listed by date, with the most recent date first.

2025 Recorded Webinars


January 28, 2025 -  PFAS 101 and Impacts to Local Waterways, speaker: Ms. Elizabeth Colletti, ASA Analysis and Communication, Inc. 

Presentation summary: The consequences of PFAS pollution are still in the process of being understood and means of mitigation under development. This talk will provide an overview of PFAS sources and the impacts to waterways. 


January 14, 2025 - Pennsylvania Policies and Plans for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, speakers: Mark Hand and Matt Reis, Pennsylvania's GreenGov Council,

Presentations summary:  The GreenGov Council’s mission is to incorporate sustainable practices into Commonwealth government’s policy, planning, operations, procurement, and regulatory functions, and to strive for continuous improvement in efficiency and performance. 


2024 Recorded Webinars

November 12, 2024 - Threatened and Endangered Species Policy Update , speakers: Tad Macfarlan, K&L Gates, LLP, Sam Boden, K&L Gates, LLP

Presentation summary: This webinar will provide an update regarding recent and upcoming policy, regulatory and legal developments relating to federal and state protections for threatened and endangered species in Pennsylvania.


October 29, 2024 - Administrative Law Revolution: How Recent Supreme Court Decisions Will Impact Environmental Regulation & Permitting, speaker: Kerry McGrath, Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth

Presentation summary: In recent years, the Supreme Court has issued a number of decisions that are going to have a dramatic impact on environmental law.  In 2024, the Court’s Loper Bright decision overturned the longstanding doctrine of Chevron deference to agencies on interpretation of statutory terms. 


August 28, 2024 - Beyond the Basics: PFAS Environmental Behavior, Transport, and Remedies , speaker: James Fenstermacher, P.E., Ramboll America.   Upon registration, a confirmation email will include the link to view the webinar. 


July 23, 2024 - Large-Scale Solar in Pennsylvania speakers: Daniel Brockett, Assistant Director of Penn State Extension Energy Programs, Thomas Beresnyak - Senior Extension Educator, Penn State Extension Energy Team, Joseph Conklin, Ed.D - Senior Extension Educator, Penn State Extension Energy Team. Upon registration, a confirmation email will include the link to view the webinar.


June 18, 2024 - Integrating climate change into design & decision-making: a journey in the transformation of building individual and institutional capacity, speaker: Daniel Kreeger, Co-founder and executive director of the Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO). Upon registration, a confirmation email will include the link to view the webinar.


May 7, 2024 - An Economist, A Chemist and a Engineer are stranded on a desert island:  what good is the Economist?  speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Wakefield, 

Presentation summary: This talk will focus on three economics-adjacent topics. First, why do economists want to discount the future, and what implications do their choices about discounting have on the global issues of our day? Second, what is environmental justice and why won’t it go away? Third, why can’t economists ever just tell me what something is worth: a primer on social benefit-cost analysis?


April 24, 2024 - Regulatory Process for Protecting Aquatic Ecosystems from Thermal Discharges, speaker: Christopher W.D. Gurshin, PhD, ASA Analysis & Communication, Inc.  

Presentation summary: This presentation will focus on the potential impacts of water temperature, or more specifically, the effects of additional heat from single-point discharges of effluent produced by power generating, manufacturing, or other industrial facilities. 


February 15, 2024 - Evaluating Ecological Risk Under Pennsylvania's Land Recycling Program, speaker: Sean Weatherwax, Senior Scientist at Roux Associates, Inc. 

Presentation summary: Sean will discuss Act 2’s statewide, background, and site-specific standards for ecological receptors and how a practitioner determines which standard would be attained for a site will be discussed.


January 17, 2024 - Abiotic and Biotic Factors affecting restored pollinator habitat in solar installations, speaker: Sarah Kania, entomologist/pollination ecologist at ASA. 

Presentation summary: Sarah will review research results of two studies she conducted at Penn State to determine suitable seed mixes to use in the restoration of pollinator habitat at solar sites.


2023 Recorded Webinars 

November 15, 2023 -Delaware Estuary Program (DELEP101), speaker: Kathy Klein, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary. 

Presentation summary: Kathy will provide an overview of the Delaware Estuary Program and highlights of work that the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary is leading in Pennsylvania.


October 24, 2023 – Science Meets Community: The Delaware River Watershed Initiative,  speaker: Roland Wall, The Academy off Natural Sciences, Drexel University.

Presentation summary: Roland Wall, leader of the Academy of Natural Science’s work on the Delaware River Watershed Initiative and one of the original planners of the project, will outline how the DRWI has progressed and grown.


August 15, 2023 –Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Operations and Opportunities, speaker: Andrew Dehoff, Executive Director

Presentation summary: Andrew will outline SRBC priorities, discuss policies enacted to advance those visions and share information on opportunities to work with SRBC to advance its shared environmental interests.


June 8, 2023 – “DRCB Who?”, Kristen Bowman Kavanagh, P.E., Deputy Executive Director for the Delaware River Basin Commission

Presentation summary: Kristen Bowman will provide an overview of the DRBC’s authorities and programs, with a special emphasis on how its programs are implemented in Pennsylvania. 


May 16, 2023 – “Planning for the Future of Coastal Louisiana: The 2023 Coastal Master Plan”speaker: Eric D. White, P.E., Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority

Presentation summary: Every six years, the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority updates its master plan to include new information, methods and technology that can enlighten officials and professionals of concerning issues of the health of the Louisiana coast. 


May 3, 2023 – Offshore Wind Environmental Assessment and Permitting in the US”  speaker: [second part of February 23, 2023 webinar – “The Promise of Offshore Wind Power on the US East Coast], Amardeep Dhanju, PhD, Senior Project Manager at AECOM

Presentation summary: Offshore wind is poised to be an important part of the US energy mix. This second presentation in the offshore wind series will focus on the environmental assessment and permitting of the proposed offshore wind projects. Monitoring and mitigation measures required by the regulatory agencies during project construction and operation will also be discussed.


April 18, 2023 – Sustainability Disclosure Trend Research by ERM, speaker: Kim Long, Senior Manager at ERM

Presentation summary: This research describes insights from a review of 100 sustainability reports from major corporations across a range of eight sectors. 


April 6, 2023 – Five Easy Steps to Home Composting,  speaker: Colleen Falicki, Back to Earth Compost Crew

Presentation summary: Ms. Falicki will teach attendees ways to set up a home compost system to compost food scraps along with yard waste… to create a finished compost to use in their gardens and flowerbeds. 


February 23, 2023 – The Promise of Offshore Wind Power on the US East Coast, speaker:  Amardeep Dhanju, PhD, Senior Project Manager at AECOM

Presentation summary: Dr. Dhanju will provide an overview of the drivers enabling the US offshore wind sector, discuss the federal (BOEM) and state regulatory frameworks, and reflect on the opportunities and challenges in siting, installing and integrating utility-scale offshore wind power on the U.S. east coast. 


January 23, 2023 – Repurposing” a New Frontier in Sustainability, speaker: Damon Carson, owner and founder of repurposedMATERIALS

Presentation summary: Damon will challenge us with a thought-provoking session that will open your mind to new value-creating ideas using obsolete materials.

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