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Recording PAEP Webinar -Science Meets Community: The Delaware River Watershed Initiative - October 24, 2023

  • 23 Oct 2028
  • Online- AnyMeeting Program



Science Meets

Community Engagement: 

The Delaware River

Watershed Initiative

Tuesday, October 24, 2023,

at 12:00 (Noon) Eastern

For over a decade, almost 100 organizations have been working together on a wide-ranging project to protect and restore the watersheds of the Delaware River Basin (DRWI).  A science-guided program funded by the William Penn Foundation, the DRWI has brought together researchers, practitioners, advocates, and communities to take steps to improve water quality for one of the most important river systems in the Eastern U.S.  Roland Wall, leader of the Academy of Natural Science’s work on the DRWI and one of the original planners of the project, will outline how the DRWI has progressed and grown.

Presenter: Roland Wall has led the Patrick Center since 2016. He manages the Academy’s environmental research projects, leading the interdisciplinary science team that works on a variety of basic and applied research projects. He serves on the Academy’s Senior Management Committee and was part of the team that coordinated the integration with Drexel University. He is responsible for setting strategic direction of the Patrick Center as well as its day-to-day operation.   

In the past 24 years, Wall has worked in a variety of positions for the Academy of Natural Sciences. Moving from an earlier career in social services, he started at the Academy on Dr. Ruth Patrick’s staff, writing and producing the Know Your Environment publication. He then developed and managed the Academy’s Town Square program and led the Academy’s involvement in the Urban Sustainability Forum. In 2007, he initiated the Center for Environmental Policy, spearheading the Academy’s involvement in policy and sustainability issues. In 2012, he directed the Academy’s participation in the William Penn Foundation’s watershed protection planning, resulting in the launch of the Delaware River Watershed Initiative.   

He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in entomology and applied ecology, both from the University of Delaware.  He is an adjunct faculty member of Drexel’s Department of Biodiversity, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, and served as the Academy’s Associate Research Dean.   

Note: Registration is for one entrant. Any other individuals who would like to join this session are required to complete their own registration forms. The registration fee is set per person, not per connection.

“The Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals aims to promote environmental education, research, planning, assessment, review, and management through the formation and operation of a nonpolitical multidisciplinary professional society.” The content of our webinar series is not developed by PAEP, but by the presenters themselves.

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