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Recording PAEP Webinar -Beyond the Basics: PFAS Environmental Behavior, Transport, and Remedies- August 28, 2024

  • 28 Aug 2029
  • Online- AnyMeeting Program



Beyond the Basics: PFAS Environmental
Behavior, Transport, and Remedies
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
at 12:00 (Noon) Eastern

Owing to the unique properties of the carbon-fluorine bond, PFAS are physically and chemically stable, have very low surface energies, and have excellent surfactant properties.  Past and current uses of PFAS include uses in drilling fluids, heat transfer fluids, and to impart film forming properties (i.e., allowing water to “wet” an oil surface) in aqueous film-forming foams (AFFFs).  Additional uses of PFAS include coatings and inks, floor waxes, photographic emulsions, cleaning agents, lens anti-fog solutions, plating liquids, the manufacture of polymeric PFAS, mold-releasing agents, oil- and water-resistant surface treatments, and dry cleaning.  These same properties that make PFAS useful in a broad variety of commercial, industrial, and consumer applications also have unique consequences towards their behavior in the environment and for treatment of these compounds.  This talk will cover “the advanced basics” of PFAS definition, properties, and environmental chemistry and distribution, the implications for management and use of water resources, and will present an overview of the current landscape of remedial technologies.

Presenters:   Jim Fenstermacher, PE, and PFAS Technical Lead for Ramboll Americas, provides leadership site investigation and remediation technologies and has over 30 years of environmental consulting industry experience, including research and development of innovative technologies to address PFAS impacts in the environment. His areas of expertise include site investigation and remediation of traditional and emerging contaminants, with emphasis in the areas of contaminant fate and transport, complex site characterization, and the designing and implementation of remedial systems. Jim leads Ramboll’s PFAS Subject Matter Expert team where he focuses on building relationships with academia and with technology developers to assess and bring emerging PFAS treatment technologies to clients. He also provides project teams across the company with remediation technical expertise including, technology selection and design, training and mentoring staff, and participation across multiple technology practice groups.

 Note: Registration is for one entrant. Any other individuals who would like to join this session are required to complete their own registration forms. The registration fee is set per person, not per connection.

“The Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals aims to promote environmental education, research, planning, assessment, review, and management through the formation and operation of a nonpolitical multidisciplinary professional society.” The content of our webinar series is not developed by PAEP, but by the presenters themselves.

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