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Recording -PAEP Webinar -Planning for the Future of Coastal Louisiana: The 2023 Coastal Master Plan - May 16, 2023

  • 16 May 2028
  • Online- AnyMeeting Program



Planning for the Future of Coastal Louisiana:

The 2023 Coastal Master Plan

Tuesday, May 16th at 12:00 (Noon) Eastern

The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) updates the State of Louisiana’s coastal master plan every six years. In the face of continued coastal land loss and increasing flood risk, the master plan serves as a prioritization effort, utilizing numerical modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of risk reduction and restoration projects over a 50-year planning horizon. The master plan cycle allows for the incorporation of the best available science and significant stakeholder input throughout the process. This presentation will focus on the 2023 Coastal Master Plan development process and will include a discussion of 1) improvements to predictive landscape modeling and the decision framework, 2) approaches to understanding and addressing uncertainty in the modeling process, 3) the development of new, large-scale restoration project concepts to address regional issues of land loss and landscape change, and finally 4) what restoration and risk reduction projects are included in the 2023 Master Plan and what the return on investment in those projects will be for residents of Louisiana.

Presenter: Eric D. White, P.E., is an engineer in the Research and Planning Division of the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, where he works primarily with the development, integration, and application of hydrologic, hydraulic, and landscape models to assess restoration and engineering project alternatives and planning optimization. He is a licensed Professional Engineer with more than a decade of experience in the field of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. Eric is currently a PhD candidate in River-Coastal Science and Engineering at Tulane University in New Orleans; he plans to defend his dissertation in early 2024.

Note: Registration is for one entrant. Any other individuals who would like to join this session are required to complete their own registration forms. The registration fee is set per person, not per connection.

“The purpose of the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Professionals is to promote environmental education, research, planning, assessment, review, and management through the formation and operation of a nonpolitical multidisciplinary professional society.” The content of our webinar series is not developed by PAEP, but by the presenters themselves.


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